Life Keeps Moving
As 2008 prepares to meet its successor, I am reminded of a quote that I will try to paraphrase and still do it justice:
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and proclaiming, Wow, what a ride!That would, in essence, give you an idea of how amazing these past couple of weeks have been for me. This year I'm skidding in and loving it. Jeremy Sony here, screenwriter of Separation Anxiety. You've already heard from John (albeit briefly) and met Cole, so let me quickly say hello and sum me up for you. Hi. I'm a writer. Communicator. Artist. Director. Friend. Brother. Effulgent dreamer. I walk. I talk. I shop. I sneeze. I'm gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back.
Now you know all my secrets. So I'll cut to the chase. Separation Anxiety is starting off with a bang. The website, blog, and Facebook group all launched within a week of each other. The Facebook group has over 260 members and that tickles me a bit, I'll confess. Cole just launched the Glass City Films Twitter feed, so if you tweet, then please follow @glasscityfilms.
This blog has already received its first extreme makeover. The point of this space is to keep you in touch with the film and let you, our supporters, experience the thrill of making films right along side us. So let us know if there's anything missing from this blog, or how we can make it better. We'll see what we can do.
Right now we're focused on editing the trailer which we shot just before the holidays.

Here's a behind-the-scenes look of the crew setting up a shot while Zach Sciranka and Jane Mowder (who play Quinn and Lily in the trailer) run lines. The trailer will be posted in January. Until then, check out the stills via the link to the right and watch for more behind-the-scenes photos and video.
One more BIG THING: We're looking for music for the soundtrack. So if you, or someone you know, happens to be a musician, I'd love to hear from you. Send me your stuff, links to your site, or just drop me a line via e-mail.
That's all for my first posting. I'd keep going, but there are so many exciting next steps for the movie, and I have more than one to tackle before tomorrow. -JBS
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